eel acting strange


So my jap DME is swimming to one coner of the tank and getting its self stuck. Three times today I have had to move rock for him the same rock. It is a big twenty pound piece. He just hids for a minute then swims back in there. Anybody else ever see strange behavior like this or is there something wrong. He is alone in a 75 gallon for now. He is about 27 in long. This rock has always been there I would move it but it is a huge chunk and no matter what I do it takes up from front to back. The levels are good I have no trates in that tank and the pH 8.2 the temp is aroung 76.


Active Member
are you sure its actually stuck, because it may just like to hide there eels do spend the majority of there time in one place they dont move around a lot.


If your really concerned you could always break the rock into several pieces giving you a little more rock sculpting options in that 75.