Eel and lunchtime?


Active Member
I'm wanting to add an eel to my 180 fowlr setup, I have a 5 in sailfin, 6 inch Lunar Wrasse, a couple damsels, a flame angel ,a Tomato Clown, a coral beauty and a 7 inch Dog Face. Basically is there an eel who won’t make a meal out of my dogface, or angels?


Active Member
Originally Posted by chilwil84
zebra eel wolud fit just keep up on waterchanges
lol, yeah, as if the dog face isn't messy enough


Active Member
I have a SFE in my FOWLR and he doesnt mess with anything. I have a porcupine puffer, yellow tang, scopas tang (less than 2 inches), and a fire fish and have never had the eel go after any of them. That would be my choice for an eel in any FOWLR tank. Good luck!