eel and trigger problem


I bought a six inch long snowflake eel about 2 weeks ago. It went into the rock and didn't see it again until yesterday when i moved some rocks to make sure it was still in the tank. I have a picasso and niger trigger in my tank and as soon as they see the eel they try to eat him.
my question/problem is, what is the eel doing for food? I put trigger food blocks in the tank and they sit on the bottom. is it eating those? snails, crabs, coming out when the lights go off to forage? what?
i am open to ideas to get it to come out to feed.


How big are your triggers? That is a small snowflake and it may look like food to them. As for food it will not eat "trigger food blocks". They will eat silversides, krill, shrimp. You are best off to feed them using a feeder stick and target feed them. I would start off with krill since it is small and see how it goes. It will be difficult trying to feed it this way with the triggers, they will probally try and steal the food off the stick.


It matters not on the size of the trigger for any eel as small as a SFE should be in its own tank for one thing, due to its size, it is potential food for any aggressive species.


Originally Posted by ufo8micats
I bought a six inch long snowflake eel about 2 weeks ago. It went into the rock and didn't see it again until yesterday when i moved some rocks to make sure it was still in the tank. I have a picasso and niger trigger in my tank and as soon as they see the eel they try to eat him.
my question/problem is, what is the eel doing for food? I put trigger food blocks in the tank and they sit on the bottom. is it eating those? snails, crabs, coming out when the lights go off to forage? what?
i am open to ideas to get it to come out to feed.
They often refuse to eat at first. Leave him alone. He will come out when he is ready to eat.