eel feeding time


I got this frogspawn..accually they gave me a extra bunch, one has 5 heads the other has two. And I got this mushroom rock with a little scallop. Plus my favorite, orange plate coral. Then as I was taking pictures my seahare showed up and I got this picture of him licking the glass..pretty neat!



I know I couldn't change it, even when I edited it. I was trying to upload a video of the eel eating but darn google and putfile said was too large, then I tried compressing, and windows movie wouldn't accept the file format..geesh what a pain. I'm still trying, probably be next month before I figure it out and then it will probably be something really simple! It's cool I have it set to music..nickleback.


yea sorry..had you going lol..I promise they will be cool if I ever get them uploaded. AHH I hate not being able to get it!


Active Member
Originally Posted by swlover
I know I couldn't change it, even when I edited it. I was trying to upload a video of the eel eating but darn google and putfile said was too large, then I tried compressing, and windows movie wouldn't accept the file format..geesh what a pain. I'm still trying, probably be next month before I figure it out and then it will probably be something really simple! It's cool I have it set to music..nickleback.
Try using for you video