eel feeding


Active Member
my brother went to the lfs by himself one day and brought me back an eel. he said he things its a green spotted eel, it has teeth, is greyish/greenish has spots and looks like he is hissing at things (fish and faces) and i was wondering how often i should feed him. he comes out to eat like one or twice a week but when he comes out he eats like 6 or 7 whole shrimp about an inch long and i just dont think that healthy for him. he is in with a black banded eel a nig. trigger and an enginer goby, in a 110


Got a pic? Without a pic, it's almost impossible to give an idea of the species.
Eels should be fed exactly as yours is asking for it...1 - 2 times a week and feed until they refuse food, whether that be 2 shrimp, or 10.


it might be a green wolf eel...not to sure tho pics plz?


Active Member
no matter what the species of eel it is most have simular feeding requirements wolf eels are not accually eels they are part of the blenny family but do have simular diets.becuase hes new to your set up I would feed him every other day do limit the amount he eats. dont gorge him until he cant eat any more(this is harder for them to digest foods).give him a variety of meaty foods(always raw)foods such as shrimp, squid,silverslides,scallops,fish (boneless)fellets.sw species only.cut into small chunks. soak and thaw all foods in fw this will kill any paresites within the meat(such as worms ect)rinse off the soak the food in selcon and garlic extreme for 5-10 min then stick or drop feed(stick is safer).as he gets older feeding schedule will be lessoned i do suggest feedings at later time down to every 3 days.


Hey! Unleashed is back! Yea!
Still searching for that ballast or have you given up and refuse to send me the money you owe me? I didnt've been ignoring my emails and PMs (while still posting here and telling us all about how much you spent on this and that) for so long, I got confused as to where we were at.


Active Member
green wolf eel sounds right. hes not new i've had him a little less than a year and he has always ackted like that and i just didnt know if that was normal, my other eel does not to that at every feeding he takes one or two shrimp every other day