Eel fight...should I be worried about infection?


Active Member
I came home from work today only to discover that my new ball python was sick with a respiratory infection...and my morays had seriously gotten at each other! Wonderful day for the pets.
The tesselata attacked the green, and the green bit back, tearing some surface from the tessy's face. The green, by contrast has a nice long scratch on the side of his face. Since the encounter (which I was not here to see...I got the story second hand) both eels have repaired to their respective corners, and neither have ventured out.
By contrast, my blackedge, which stayed out of the ruckus, seems enjoy his probably short-lived run of the tank.
My only real concern is the tesselata's injuries, which don't appear to be too serious...but they are a little worse than the green's. There is some slight tearing around the face (looks more like shedding), but I can't see anything that looks like an open wound. Should I be worried? What, if any kind of treatment might I think about, if it doesn't look like it starts healing in the next day or two?


Just keep an eye on them. Mine have had what looked like some scraping from some of the rocks and they've healed just fine without me doing anything.
I hope your day (and your pets) is better than yesterday.