It is about 8" long now
I figured as much its a juvenile moray
has a long almost pointed jaw
You left out a descriptions of the eels teeth
I remember it that it seemed to have a 'fin' starting about an inch back from its head and running the length of its body along the crest of its back.
You any idea to how many species that would fit
World wide with every know species number is more then 850 species of even know eel type from freshwater to marine.
This probably isn't the right terminology, but I'm just beginning to try to learn about eels and this one was just fascinating.
You got to learn sometime and the info will not just fall into your lap but beware, there will be conflicting info on many species, specially on the Internet.
I not know how old you are for if your a very young person you could be feeling a bit of a fantasy of eels and if your somewhat not a teen or younger, it could be your not really in knowing to what you want as yet and if you older or more, you should know that its for you. In any case, on any species of subject, you copy info of that species from any location you might find it and you make of some comparison for specially growth size and if the site suggest tank size, etc.
For there is always a difference in facts at many sites and some just copy from the other. And If you are truly serious and after you paste together your thoughts to which info you get is more so to detail of that species, I can follow up on that by giving you my views to the facts. I am in away looking for one special person who not take it so likely for know this, I will ask you questions to what you think or of what you might understand of eel infections and in how they mostly accure.
For one thing that you need to know right at this time is, a moray eel is by far the most hardy marine animal anyone could keep in a tank and if anything be wrong with the eel, they hang in there for a very long time at most before death, in which case they had suffered. You also have the species family groups, 15 to be exact with most of those with a very low number of species in them for there are two family groups with 3 and 4 eel species only.
So you can call this a premiere lesson of interest (I not know about you what you think of that, but to me it makes absolutely no sense at all).