Does anyone think I can keep an eel or shark in a 75 gallon FOWLR with a school of chromis, and maybe a flame angel?
If so,
What eels are possible.. Or what sharks?
zebra moray, chainlink, snowflake maybe a wolf eel(not sure). Lots of eels, no sharks like said before. sharks need a 240, no matter what species. As for eels though, definatly not a teselata or a green moray. they get huge and mean.
Another thing to consider with an eel is how aggessive of one do you want. A SFE, Chain link or zebra are pebble tooth (eat crustation and invert) are a more passive species. Morays like the tesselata, fimbriated, green and a number more are piscivores<sp.> (fish eaters) so you have to be more careful what you add with them. A couple of people here on SWF have SFE that don't fit into the general rule and have eaten there fish. So you can never tell.
Before you get a moray do a little research on them and decided which would be the best for you. Here is a link with some good info on morays.