Eel question?

nm reef

Active Member
I'm looking for a positive ID on a eel. I believe I've narrowed it down to some sort of banded moray...but its difficult to tell for sure. I'm not experienced with eels and my knowledge base is very limited. But I help take care of a 220 Oceanic that has two of them as residents. The client wants me to develope his display into a reef and it seems to me the pair of 8"-10" eels aren't good choices for a reef. They are somewhat docile and don't seem to bother a pair of perculas...three stupid damsels(2 blue deamons and a single 4 stripe)..a 5" kole tang...a firefish of some type...and 3 chromis.There doesn't seem to be and crabs of any kind in the tank but there are 10-15 turbos. Plus a single cleaner shrimp that stays hidden high up on the rock work.
What I'm looking for is help pinning down a ID...they will be moved to a 80 gal bowfront that may also have a trigger and possibly a lion...I need info on them as far as feeding/tankmates & general care since I'll be doing maintenance on that tank too.
The eels in question look like most info I've found on banded morays...they are basically dark colored with a sort of stripe or blotches that are narrow and yellowish tinted. I've looked at zebras also but the pics I've seen of zebras don't quite look right. Anybody have pics or info to share I'd sure appreciate it. Its possible that I could get a decent pic of the eels I'm concerned about but I don't believe I have one yet.
Thanks in advance.
Could it be a banded snake eel? Ive attacthed a pic of one. As for maintance, eels are very easy to keep. Just be sure to "eel proof" the tank, because if they try, they can get out. Glass tops or canopies work well. Fiberglass gaurds work too. Feed it all types of meaty foods from the grocery store, shrimp, crabs, squid, scallops etc... For any eal that is a good diet. To feed an eel, use a feeding stick or any sort.
Seems like you started as a reefer, and no expirementing aggressive? Thats cool, I started the other way around :D. As for the 80 your talking about, be careful keeping the lion and trigger together, b/c triggers like to nip lions fins which is bad for both of them. HTH
Sounds like they could be chain link morays. They are one of the peeble toothed, they prefer crustations. As juvi's they have alot of yellow in them, as they grow the yellow fades to a grey/white. They are alot like a SFE and tend to be rather passive.
I agree with midwest, mixing triggers and lions is not a good idea. Those flowing fins tend to attract the tiggers in for a test bite. Here is a link to a good moray eel site, it lists alot of the more common eels found in the trade, with lots of good info on them.
Moray info

nm reef

Active Member
Now I feel like the old dog that learned a new trick...the eels in question are in a 220 display I was recently hired to develope into a reef. The owner had no idea and I saw two eels...they are engineer gobies!!! Creates a whole new set of problems but I thank you for the responses.
Also thanks for the info on triggers and lions. That combination is being requested for a 80 bow front a client wants in his office.
Both systems are new projects for me and my first venture into aquarium don't be surprised if I'm back with more questions!!!

nm reef

Active Member
By the way snakes&fish...I had to edit the link...I do appreciate the offer of info on morays. To be honest I had already viewed that my search for info...but I just wanted to post a friendly reminder that links of that nature are a violation of established forum policy.:rolleyes:
Now I am curious. Wetmedia is just an info site they do not sell anything(other than site stuff like t-shirts and coffee mugs) and do not have a forum/message board. What makes it a violation ? I have always found good info there.

nm reef

Active Member
I truely understand your question of the policy...and to a large extent I agree. But as policy now stands that link is not allowed because it does provide direct access to a number of on-line retailors. Believe me I'd love to see links to numerous articles within that site for informational purposes. I have used it as a informational resource over the years...there is a ton of very useful information there. In addition I have a on-going request to lighten the link restrictions on behalf of all the members here. My understanding of current policy is that links of any kind are not allowed and its my personal belief(not official policy or statement) that the reason for the current position is that some members insist on repeatedly providing direct links to on-line retailors. I also feel that if we are able to have changes made to current policy we first need to accept the position of the owners that access to competitive sites not be provided. In the future I'd hope the rules will changes and a more tolerant policy will be adapted. Truth is though that site does indeed provide direct access to numerous on-line vendors and that in and of itself can cause additional problems in regard to attempts to get current policy changed. Its nothing personal and I do understand your question/ a large degree I share your position.:nope:
Thanks NMREEF. For clearing that up. I was surprised by that.
As for the tank, you could always move the engineers to the new aggressive tank, they can hold their own. If the owner is still wants a lion consider a fuzzy dwarf. I still would not through a trigger into the mix. But you could always consider hamlets (indigo's are a striking blue and very active swimmers) larger hawk fish and toby's or maybe a large marron clown(they can be terrors if they want to:) ). These are all pretty and active fish that can make a real nice display tank. The dwarf can reach 7" and would be the only threat to the others as it grew. By adding the engineers it would give the little extra surprise of something sticking its head out from under the rocks to make people stop and look.
Just another thought on it. You know it is fun setting up a new tank ... it is just the figuring out what is going to go in it that is the real challenge :notsure: :D