EEL question


My snowflake eel looks like he is breathing heavy like rapidly, he is new to the tank
is this normal??


Active Member
Did you cycle your tank? and test your water? I dont believe that is normal, if it is a new tank, it may be fine after a while.


yea my water levels are fine with everything normal,
it is a new tank been going for 3 1/2 weeks
with damsels
25 lbs of lr
and 40 lbs of ls
just wanted to know if he would be okay


Active Member
Your tank probably isnt done cycling. Well, I think it may be fine, its a 50/50 chance. I think snowflake eels are hardy. When my friend first got into the hobby, he added a snowflake eel, like only after two days that his tank was set up, he didnt know you have to cycle, and the poor guy was pulsing and throbbing, but he is still alive and well to this day(3 months later).