Eel Question


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
yes but it will be a tight squeeze, sfes will work altho i would not reccomend it
So, it'll work but you wouldnt' recommend it? :notsure:
Snowflake Eels would NOT work, in a 29gal. tank.
Please...this is rude, yes, but...PLEASE!...stop giving advice.


a 30" moray in a 29 is a horrible idea.
if you want to spend money, check out the golden dwarves.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2x3
Please...this is rude, yes, but...PLEASE!...stop giving advice.
so ur saying i should just leave the board?


Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
so ur saying i should just leave the board?
AW2x3 is not rude usaully however with your post recently I think you struck a nerve.He is not telling you to leave He is just telling you to think before you post something telling others bad information.By all means dont leave the forum just read up and then maybe you could make an educated post when giving someone advice.


Active Member
ok, ill do a lil more research before i give advice. but AW, seriously u neeed to be less explosive on ppl


Active Member
Originally Posted by MITSUTECH
AW2x3 is not rude usaully however with your post recently I think you struck a nerve.He is not telling you to leave He is just telling you to think before you post something telling others bad information.By all means dont leave the forum just read up and then maybe you could make an educated post when giving someone advice.
Took the words right out of my mouth...thank you, MITSUTECH. I'd never want anyone to leave the board, but the advice you've been giving lately, sharkboy, has been on the fly, with no regards to research, experiance, know how, etc. I should have worded things differently and for that I apologize. I wasn't meaning to stop giving advice, period...just make sure you know what you're talking about before you tell someone something. Alot of new people, who have never had saltwater tanks before, are showing up and asking for advice. They'll read something you say, not know any better and go ahead with what you said. Then, they're stuck with a fish that's too large for the tank, not suited for aquarium life, etc. and that leaves us nothing but a wasted, dead/diseased fish, that could've been spared.
Originally Posted by lbzkid15

Amen to that!!!!
Considering the fact that you've done nothing but lie, the ENTIRE time you've been on this board, about anything you can think of, you've got no reason to be even speaking. With the amount of anger/frustration that you've caused just about everyone, including the moderators, I'm surprised you're not banned. You'd have been gone A LONG time ago, if I had any say about the matter.


Wow fella ...i wasnt talking about you i was talking about people getting there information right before they post...take it easy would ya....


And jus for my knowledge..wat have i lied about that i havnt proved and what kinda of anger and frustration have i caused i really even post...Kinda hurts you know
...i jus come here for advice and too share great stories thats all....Maybe u have some thing personal against me and if i so i would really like to know wat it is :help:
Peace and love y'all.
But to the question I like most others will say no. IMO a snowflake eel needs at least a 50 gal tank. I'm sure alot of people will say thats too small for a snowflake but i have seen/talked to people would have kept eels in tanks that size for many years with no problems. But thats just me.
Peace and love.


Active Member
no offense to the above post i see your point, but just becuase people keep eels in 20 gallon tanks and shars and rays in 75 gallon tanks doesnt mean its right..
just wanted to clear that up before he gets a bad idea


Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
so ur saying i should just leave the board?
personally im not that lucky of a person


Thoroughbred said:
Peace and love y'all.
But to the question I like most others will say no. IMO a snowflake eel needs at least a 50 gal tank. I'm sure alot of people will say thats too small for a snowflake but i have seen/talked to people would have kept eels in tanks that size for many years with no problems. But thats just me.
I have mine in a 35 Hex tank. It has been doing very well, but I know I will have to get a larger tank soon. I have known all along I would have to get a bigger tank ( which I know a lot of you will say is a bad way to plan and work in this hobby ), and want to get it atleast a 55 gal or maybe a 75 or 100 so I could put a few other fish in there. I was told I could keep it in the 35 if I kept it alone, but I have no intent of doing that.
Enjoy your eels everyone!