eel question


are there any smaller eel's that wood live hapily in a 30 gal tank?
or am i pushing my limits???
any suggestions welcome, cuz i really want one.


Active Member
snowflake would be best choice as reference books state 30 gallon or larger for it. Start with a smaller one and be the time it is big (24 to 30 inches) you will have upgraded tanks I bet. They are hardy, funny, and good eaters plus they are fairly cheap to buy (now that is a good advertisement for them isn't it).


Active Member
i agree with puff. i have a snowflake and i love him. all that stuff about them being escape artists is true, but they wont escape as long as you have a secure tank. they are very hardy and rather active for eels. they are also somewhat diurnal(sp?) so you will see them lots. mine loves his pvc pipe and also likes swimming thru stacked liverock. good luck with your eel. later, bo


Active Member
Grouper brought up excellent point I forgot to mention. These eels like to have a place to hide under so rockwork or pvc is a must to keep them happy and I also think that helps keep them down and in the tank instead of your floor. They are escape artisits and you must close every hole on your lid that you can. I have seen many posts here about snowflakes that have gotten out of the tank but have not had that problem yet, but it seems to be a common problem with them (hey everything has to have a down side to and this is it for eels).


Active Member
I have a snowflake and he is great. He has two favorite rocks in my tank that are on oppsosite sides of the tank and frequently moves between them slithering through various holes in the rock along the way.
I have heard that they are not safe to keep with shrimp and other inverts but mine actually gets bullied by my CBS. The CBS hangs out near the rock the snowflake is in and waits for me to feed it. He tries to grab the food before the eel can and any leftovers.
Awesome addition to a tank.


eels like to have a place to hide under so rockwork or pvc is a must to keep them happy
what are some good rescources and/or what would you recommend?
any good eel websites?


New Member
I have heard that for an eel not to have an easy escape out of an aquarium, one is to lower down the water level a couple of inches. This may not look all that great but it works :D
[ June 18, 2001: Message edited by: CesEve01 ]


Active Member
My lfs guy has snowflakes in his tanks that rae not covered at all he to says that by keeping the level down a bit he has never had one get out. I had posted that here a while back but some told of theirs getting out even when they did this. I think part of it is to make sure you do not feed them at the top of the tank so they get the idea food is available up there. I feed my 2 with a feeding stick and always at the bottom to middle of the tank never high up never by hand at the top.