eel removed!


I had to take my moray out. I went away for the holiday weekend(4 days). I fed everyone as soon as I got home. The moray grabbed my queen trigger by like the throat and would not let go. It was trying to pull it under a rock while shaking it violently. It was so bad that my girlfriend screamed and ran out the room. It finally let go, but my queen had hole on it from the teeth of the moray. They looked like 4 little prick holes from when we get our finger pricked. Once I got settled in, I removed the moray. It was damn near impossibel to catch since it's so big. I tore my tank aprt, but I got it out. It's in another tank now...Headed to my LFS when I get off.


dang that sucks cause they both looked real nice when you posted picks of the queen and your eel. You gonna get another less agressive eel?


Active Member
Oh no, you should have shipped him up here to NH!!! The "new tank" is ready for him! Ill be picking one up in 2 weeks probably.