Eel sees his reflection?


I just added a zebra eel to my tank and I have a few questions about his behavior.
first, pH is 8.2, temp 79 degrees, nitrates, nitrites and ammonia all at 0. He was acclimated for 3 hours then put into the tank at night when it was dark. There is a damsel and a few snails as tankmates.
After getting used to his surroundings with the lights out and now during the day, he seems to be able to see his reflection on the sides. Every once in awhile he will charge the glass, hitting his head. He will spend several minutes going up and down the side of the tank before he gives up and goes back into the rockwork. Is this normal???


Just a guess, but I think he is looking for an escape hole... Sounds like what I hear other people say about their eels jumping out of their tanks thru small holes. :notsure:
I think he is just testing ways to get out...


The tank is 110 gallons. Luckily i've beat him to his little escape plan....there are tight fitting glass tops on top in addition to a canopy and also a screen over the overflow.


I dont think he can see himself he is just getting use to the new tank. Post a pic when you get the chance and by the way congrats on the new eel. I have one of them also.


Active Member
be careful you may think you have everything covered but they will find a way
my first eel was a dumb and somehow dound himself up in the filter


I think I've been lucky so far, neither one of my morays have even looked like they wanted to escape. Larger tank with plenty of hiding spots is likely keeping them happy.


I don't know if it's normal, but I found that my Zebra would climb the sides of the tank when he was hungry and searching for food. It actually became one of the ways he told me he was ready for more food. Sometimes I would see him swimming around and try to feed him, but he would not eat, then the next night I would see him climbing the tank and he would eat his normal meal. So, it could be he is just out looking for food. Just my limited experience.