

Loodachris, first thing is when one has so young a juvenile eel, you use it with any type of aggressive fish for it should as well be in a none aggressive tank and with all honesty, you will get different thoughts on the mixing of eels and triggers and by most can work depend on tank size and both eel and trigger to which they be for you would get quite different results. And myself in this area, the only way I would ever attempt housing a trigger and eel together is if I can have as large a tank that I might fit in my house for triggers, depending on which of this species can dance around an eel striking its colors taking nips at the eel in hit and run tactics and by most, the eel would be defenseless.
As well you will hear of those that will say it works for them, ask them just house long it did work before they had to made a change on having both because I believe that the majority of aquaria hobbyist not have a suitable size tank for keeping this mix for the life time of either species.
Dragon Moray Eels
Buddy ><{{{{"> HO,HO,HO Merry Christmas to All :joy:


It may not help the arguement, especially because of the type of trigger I am about to tell you about.
When we found our Undulated in the lfs, it was in with a snowflake eel. They were there for a month together. They shared a pipe and "cuddled" whenever anyone came up to the tank. Like I have said in other posts, our Undulated is unlike others, thank goodness. She is very shy and skiddish.
Anywhoooo, just what I have observed. Not saying that I would recommend an Undulated, however, I do know of several people who keep the two together, with success. They have more calm triggers though.


Active Member
Either is capable of killing the other. an eel is nocturnal and hunts at night when the trigger is hiding in the rocks. a good size eel could technicaly get a good bite on the trigger and it would be over. on the other hand a trigger could get so hungry as to start niping and if it's big enough this would do some damage to a smaller eel.


I have a 10" snowflake that has joined a 6" Niger Trigger, 7" Dogface Puffer, 5: Cream Angel, 2" False Perc and a 3" Flame Cardinal. The snowflake was the last to join this tank and has thrived to date. Eats frozen Squid, Krill and even dry pellets off of the bottom.
I will spot feed him with squid and Krill after the other fish have had their fill.
The only aggrssion that I have seen is the Cream Angel pick at the SFE during feeding time. This seems to have stopped after the SFE retaliated a few times to the aggression. The trigger and puffer will ignore the SFE. I am aware that the smaller fish are in danger of becoming fish food, but all is good at this time. The most aggression in the tank that seems to be an ongoing item is the trigger chasing the Angel on occasion.
I know that three months is not a long time for a definitive answer, but it one persons experience.


Active Member
wizard watch out these guys are gonna jump all over u by telling u that u have to many fish in that 125 but dont listen to em do ur own thing it will be much better


Active Member
I can say that I have seen some aggression between my eels at first . they would fight in a ball and then shoot to opposite ends of the tank. then a few minutes later would go at it again. after a day or so they are good and no more fighting . they each have their spot and neither goes near the others. as for your stock list It's fine for now but you might start thinking of an upgrade to keep the puffer and triggers happy in the future when they get bigger.