eel with fish?


i have what i believe is a small peppered moray eel, will it go after all types of fish? like if i put a small clown, a lawnmower blenny, a small yellow tang, etc, will the eel eat them? the eel is about 8 inches
will it attack anything? or just what will fit in its mouth?
what about a copper band butterfly? will it kill the butterfly?


well i tried it and the copper band made it just fine, i put in marine cuisine to feed him today and my eel stuck its head out(smelling the food). Now i have never been able to feed him, but he has eaten 2 small damsels and a very small, dead cleaner wrasse
never took to garlic but he seems to like the smell of the marine cuisine, maybe soaking shrimp or krill in the marinue cuisine before i feed will help?


New Member
how big is he right now? my baby snowflake wouldn't touch ghost shrimp or brine. But when i was dropping some silversides for my wolf eel, he came out of his cave and pulled the silverside off of the skewer. So you might try something more meaty like a silverside?


it takes the shrimp now after soaking it in marine cuisine, both times ive tried it, the eel took it and ate it