

my snow flake eel is now about 6 inches or a little bigger and i have been feeding him 1 silverside a day now should i be stepping it up and giving him 2?


your snowflake eel ate your snails!!!!:eek: .Ok so feed him a little piece a day.I have a chainlink,i feed him every 3days and he never bothers a single fish or invert


were you the one that ordered the 2 dwarfs from ***********.com?And they died.They have one at jeffs for like $30


there is no such thing as overfeeding an eel because they simply wouldn't eat any more once they're full.....unlike other fishes....try to feed your eel as much as he can eat at a time......i usually feed my eel twice a week until satiation.......


pufferman thanks for the feed back. lionfish28 yea mine are the ones how died i was sick of waiting for jeef he kept jerking me around so i ordered of lineand the company are sending me more on fri.


thats right eels won't eat when there full so i just wait a few days in between usualy my old sfe (rip) would swim around real crazy when he was hungry


The fact that your SFE eats silversides indicates that it's either a male or starving.
Like the Chainlinks, snowflakes are specialized crustacean feeders that would be MUCH happier with shrimp and squid (grocery store variety) than with fish.
While I've not seen anything definitive printed, the males have sharper teeth so as to be able to grasp the females in their jaws while mating, which may account for the difference in preferred food items.
Has anyone else noticed that some specimens have a typical moray head shape, while others have a definite bulbous hump over the mouth?
I suspect that this may be another example of sexual dimorphism in SFE's as well, with the hump being a male characteristic like some freshwater cichlids and marine Dolphins (the fish, not the porpoise)
This would also make perfect sense from an evolutionary standpoint as males and females would be able to exist in the same territory without being competitors for the same foods...leave it to Mother Nature to find a new twist just when we think we've got something figured out.


so are you telling me that i can go to publix and get store bought shrimp and thaw him out one and he will eat it like a silverside and it is just as safe?


Not just as safe.....better.
Snowflake and chainlink eels are specialized crustacean feeders with conical, peg-like teeth designed for crushing the shells of shrimp and small crabs.
Somehow I missed th fact that you said your eel is only 6" or 7" that size, I'd be feeding it all it can eat as often as it wants to eat, due to the fact that it's a growing baby.
Keep in mind it's normal for eels to eat all they can hold and then sleep it off for 2-3 days, but this is with ADULTS!!!!
Little eelkids are just like ours...always hungry! **grin**
When it reaches 18" or so you would probably want to slow down somewhat as in home aquariums where food is plentiful, exercise is absent and hunting just doesn't happen as they tend to get fat to the point that they develope fat deposits around the heart and organs.


wake skater,dont get the cooked shrimp at the grocery store!Go in the frozen seafood section and you will see it there.It will be labled "bait".Use that!!!!:yes:


lionfish28, I don't want to pop your bubble, but you can only buy frozen bait shrimp in the states on the most of the country, there are no frozen bait shrimp.


oh.........:D Well my lfs said that if you buy grocery store seafood(The stuff you see in the glass)is very bad for your fish because its is slightly cooked


Not a problem.
Be VERY careful believing what the people at many LFS tell you unless you've corroborated the information elsewhere...often the clerks are well meaning but not overly educated, very young or with very little actual experience, due to the fact that many LFS pay minimum wage.
Another problem is that SOME LFS have employees paid on commission, meaning that they'll tell whatever they have to to make as large a sale as possible.
As to "cooked" shrimp, boiled shrimp os OK, particularly if treated with Zoe, Selcon or such....most fish will readliy accept it and it's actually safer with new hobbyists as the oil has been boiled out, meaning it's harder to pollute a tank through overfeeding.
Fried shrimp are a no-no though!



I always used the frozen shrimp from the local grocer for my snowflake and he loved it. Didnt cost but about 2 bucks and lasted a long time.


That same frozen shrimp will be eagerly accepted by puffers, porcupines, triggers, groupers and even a LOT of tangs.
When you compare the price vs prepared foods it's actually cheaper by far.
In case there's any freshwater folks reading this, I also found out that shrimp makes a perfect basic diet for almost all Tanganyika cichlids as one time I had 73 different species all breeding at once, from Frontosas on down to Compressiceps and Calvus.