Eelblenny Newb (possibly)


I have a 55 (48x12x24 ish) and would like to keep an eel. I have been looking and I think the Eelblenny (aka the Green Wolf Eel) Congrogadus subduscens would work. Info seems to be hard to come by. I think the 55 should be enough but I thought I would get some info from an owner as to their opinion. I would also like to have something swimming that the eel would not think of as food... any suggestions. Thanks. Ohhh and any suggestions are welcomed from owners ( sandbed or recommended substrait, more rock or more space, small cleanup crew suggestions, any feeding suggestions, etc... ) Thanks.


i had kept a green wolf eel for about 6 months.
make sure that you keep a secure lid on your tank since it will try to jump out. i've lost one like that before. they are quite entertaining, but very aggressive towards food. it will eat anything it can fit in it's mouth. i'm not positive but almost convinced that mine was eating my snails though never had proof.
i highly reccommend this specimen. it just has such a cool personality. make sure you have lots of rock for it to hide and burrow in. feed it frozen silversides and sometimes krill.
don't think it will outgrow your tank, mine stopped growing around 13".