eels and crabs together?


Can triggers, eels and crabs live together happily? I know someone who has a niger trigger and a large eel who puts "handfulls" of crabs in his tank to cleanup. Now, I do know they work hard but don't always make it. Is it possible to do it or is he just being thoughtless and letting those crabs lose their lives?
He said something too about shrimp in there...this doesn't sound right to me. <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" />


Active Member
shrimp is only an expensive meal for those fish, but you could but blue leg crabs or hermits and they should be fine with the eel and the lion ( depending on what kind) i know a snowflake and a dwarf would be ok


I had some large hermit in with my large snowflake, and niger, the snowflake leaves them alone and the niger did for a long time but I have started to see a couple of them flipped and no more carbs. I think sooner or later the trigger will get them, I was useing some large ones also. Good Luck


i have some crabs with my lion, they are still alive and well.
if triggers eat crabs how do you keep the tank clean?


Thats what bothered me about this guy putting crabs in with his trigger. I guess he doesn't get them "right away" if that makes any sense. I just know that they are going to lose their lives so why even put them in there to clean? There are other ways to keep the tank clean without these helpless crabs who are not going to make it.