Eels and xenia...softies


I have some pumping started to take a turn for the worse, without any reason. I say without any reason because all levels were good. The only changes were a fairy wrass and a snowflake eel. After about 2 weeks of the xenia being shrivelled up and not looking good, my better half asked her professor ( Dr. of something, knows everything) what could be the cause. Without asking anything else, he said "Do you have any eels?" Talk about smart people. He figured if we had a tank, we checked for everything we knew to check, thus the question of the eel. Turns out eels secrete stuff when they are stressed, or new, and it affects softies, xenia. Im sad to say that the eel was sucked into one of my powerheads and although I got him out, later he died. Within 2 hours of him being removed, the xenia started to look better. Its been about 5 days and it looks almost normal, but split again, giving me 4 pieces from the original one. Too bad the lfs owner (he sold him 2 me) didnt know that they did what they did. I would like to think that, but he seems very educated. Do you think he knew, but wanted to make a sale? I would hope not. But ppl in this day and age dont really care about you, they want your money. Just thought I would share some knowledge that I aquired.


thats a new one for me never heard of eels secrete anything harmful to corals. just shows not everyone knows everything in this hobby and we can learn something new everyday.
sorry to hear about your eel do have the intake covered up now?


I have 3 aquaclear 70's (400 gph) W/intake screens, but the suction is so strong, most fish/eels cant escape............I've lost alot of live stock because of them, but need them for circulation. My lfs is supposed to get me new covers/screens that protrude from the pwrhead reducing the affects. It took long enough, Ive complained to the owner about this problem, but havent had any reasonable solutions. We'll see if they help. I sure hope so, Im tired of pulling missing fish from them.............