Eels Compatable?


I have a 40" Zebra Moray eel and my friend is looking to sell his 14" white ribbon eel to me. I was wondering if these two eels would go together with harmony, or will they fight? Also, included in my tank is a 14" S&S puffer, a 9" volitan lion, a 4" panther grouper, and a 5" tusk fish. Thanks for all of the help in advance.


Active Member
Probably. It's doubtful the eels would fight...unless the obnoxious white ribbon started to constantly harrass the zebra. But I hear zebras are pretty mellow.
Your smaller fish might not make it--a 40" zebra is a BIG eel and could probably nab the tusk or panther. That's a maybe, though. Like I said, zebras are pretty mellow...I just don't trust any moray with fish. The puffer and lion surely would be fine. Despite their more retiring nature, zebras are still known to snatch the occasional fish...
What size tank do you have? It must be huge!
I'm wondering if the lion would bother the eels. Are eels susceptible to lion stings? I have always wanted to know the answer to the question.


Thus far, all of the tank mates are doing well; there are no quarrels. Actually, the zebra is the nicest fish in the tank. As for the tank size, it is 175 gallon bowfront, but I am looking into a 500+ gallon tank for the wall in the near future. If anyone else has suggestions, I am all ears.