Eels & Ich



SOmeone in another thread said eels arent susceptible to ich. Is this true? Thats awesome Im gonna go with just a SFE and zebra.

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by BigTankBigFish
SOmeone in another thread said eels arent susceptible to ich. Is this true? Thats awesome Im gonna go with just a SFE and zebra.
they can get it if your water quality is horrible which will cause them to get stressed out. but no they are not prone to ich and usually wont show signs of it if you have fish in the tank with ich.
they are great fish to keep, that's why I have 3 of them.


My water quality is usually spot and after 5 days Im finally gettin skum now on my new seaclone. I have a ton of rock work so I think 2 eels will work, especially with the only other 3 tank mates are 2 damsels and a coral beauty.

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by BigTankBigFish
My water quality is usually spot and after 5 days Im finally gettin skum now on my new seaclone. I have a ton of rock work so I think 2 eels will work, especially with the only other 3 tank mates are 2 damsels and a coral beauty.
what size tank do you have?

salt life

Active Member
your profile says 75g? IMO SFE's are overrated and there are alot of better looking species out there. the zebra might get too big for a 75g, 125 minimum is best IMO. If you were gonna do an eel in your 75g, I would do one that you REALLY Like.
I have 2 75g's.
one has a fimbraited moray and a chain link moray.
the other is my spotted morays tank.
if you really like the zebra moray, I would get that one and pass on the SFE...


75, my sfe is roughly 10 inches and the zebra wouldnt be much bigger.
I have a lot of LR with caves and hiding places.
You think its a bit too much? for 6 months anyway. Im getting a bigger tank then. I now people on here always say that but I set up tanks depending on how much room I have and right now I dont have room for much bigger than 75. I had a huge zebra in my 220 at my old house.
How often do u feed your eels? It seems like when I feed mine everyday all he does is lay in his cave. If I skip a day he is always out and about on the hunt


I have 2' Zebra Eel that I feed twice a week as much as it'll eat, which is about a whole large raw shrimp. So it eats 2 shrimps a week.


Well the SFE was kind of a rescue from a kid I worked with that neglected him and didnt feed him for days. THe kid had him in a 40 breeder with a cheap little HOB filter. I got him for 10 bucks. He is so much happier in my tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by RCreations
I have 2' Zebra Eel that I feed twice a week as much as it'll eat, which is about a whole large raw shrimp. So it eats 2 shrimps a week.
really? I feed mine 2 times a week with about 3 skrimps each time