

hi everybody
Do any of you have info on how eels get along in sw aquariums? do you need certain fish, do they need a good hiding place etc...


Active Member
do a search, and put in "eels", or "eel", or "eel care" you should come up with all of the info you need.
P.S. Don't forget to set it so that it just searches titles.


Active Member
Eels dont really need any certain kinds of fish. If you have fish that will get eaten by a eel then dont have that fish in your tank, ex. green moray and a clownfish will not mix. Eels need to feel secure and you MUST have some hiding spots in your tank, my eels loves his rocks. Eels are a really easy fish to care of, when they do die its usualy because they jumped out of your tank so your going to need to make your tank so that a eel wont jump out.


I had a black edged eel for a little over four years. He was 3 1/2 ft. long. For the final two years of his life, he was the only thing in my tank. He personally ate over $400 worth of fish. Once I even bought a shark, after my pet store guy assured me they wouldn't have any problems. I put the shark in the tank, he swam to the bottom, and my eel swam over to him, bit him in half, and swam away. He was extremely hardy. I couldn't kill him if I wanted to. I ended up moving though, and asked the pet store to hold him for a night or two, until I could set my tank back up. They agreed, but the first night he jumped out and died.
He was a great conversation piece though

blue oasis

We have a snow flake eel and we just love him. He does like to hide in the rocks except when it is feeding time then he will venture out a little from the rick to grab his foon then retreats back in.
N & G