
ledzep fan

Active Member
I was wondering if I could keep another eel in my 120. I already have a Snowflake eel and I would like to get another colorful or nice looking eel. The fish have have right now are listed below. Could I do this? If I could what kind of eels could I possibly get?
1. Black Volitan Lionfish
2. Porcupine Puffer
3 Some type of grouper
4 Koran Angel
5. Yellow Tang
6. Snowflake Eel
7. Maroon Clownfish
8 Some type of wrasse


Originally Posted by LedZep fan
Could I get another Snowflake Eel?????
~The Zep
Has it been someone else reading this thread and typing your other post above?? lol
"Can I get another Moray"
"No, not really"
"Can I have another Snowflake?"



Originally Posted by LedZep fan
Well sorry........

I wasnt meaning that to be rude or condescending.
I wish more people would pitch in on this and give their opinion as well.


I have a 215 with a G. kidako eel, a porc puffer, and a teensy yellow damsel, and am going to add one additional "small" eel and maybe a few "small" fish for color... and I think that will still be pushing it. Even if filtration wasn't an issue and your water readings were always "perfect", think about their personal swimming space. You have too many fish, in my opinion. Maybe you can talk to your LFS and trade in 3 or 4 of those fish for a smallish eel...?
I can certainly understand wanting another eel, though. Mine zooms around the tank, especially at night, and looks so beautiful in the moonlights!

Good luck.

ledzep fan

Active Member
Thanks sunburnt. I think I won't add another. Aw2eod I was just asking questions. Thats what we do when we have them.
~The Zep