
I have a 90 gal 70 lbs live sand and 70 lbs live rock. I have an overflow with a protein skimmer. I have no fish currently in there because of a incident (oopps) anyway, i want an eel, but would also like some nice looking non-aggresive fish.. any suggestions???


New Member
hello, I have a banded moray eel (about 16") in my 125 gal with 2 pasers, damsels, crabs and a puffer among others. They all get along fine. I also have a 40 hex with a snowflake ( about 12") clown fish, damsels, and crabs among others. They also get along fine. The eels tend to keep to themselves as long as I keep them full of goldfish. When I don't the shrimp are the first to go. I also have a 40 breeder with a zebra eel ( about 20") he's in their with a blue spot sting and a m. grouper. They all got together about 3 days ago so we'll see.
Take care good luck


New Member
The snowflake was about 35 bucks. Mine eats frozen food (krill) and is a real great addition to my tank. Some local stores sell small ones for around 15-20 bucks.


scubapro. You have in a 40 gallon tank a 20 in. zebra eel, a bluespotted stingray, and a miniatus grouper? Those fish get way to big for a 40 gallon. And a stingray should never be put in a 40 gallon, the need big tanks.
Thereefman- My snowflake eel is excellent, eats a lot (krill, squid, mysis, brine, and a lot of other meaty foods). You can also add a zebra moray eel in your 90 gallon. That would be an excellent addition. I think better than a snowflake. Zebras have better looks, they can live up to 20 years, and are extremely hardy. Zebras eat the same thing as snowflakes to. The only bad thing about zebras are there high price, they are around 80 bucks.


Hey reefman just to let you know for research purposes, snowflake eels are a type of moray.
I have a snowflake that is a really cool fish and also very good with his other tankmates. I think as long as they are fed, they will not harm there tankmates(besides most inverts obviously). Mine goes on a hunt for food when it's feeding time and comes close to biting his tankmates but always realizes they are not food before he chomps down on them. They have horrible sight so they only go by smell.
Sorry for the long post just wanted to give you a little info about snowflakes