I put my fish in QT and hypo a week ago and today my watchman goby died. My tang's white spots have all gone but his eyes are clouded over, he is no longer eating, lethargic, and breathing fast. My scooter blenny is also lethargic and not eating much (a few morsels and that's it). PH is 8.0, salinity is 1.012, ammonia is 0.25, 0 nitrates and nitrites. I removed the fish from hypo and put them back in the main tank. The scooter has perked up quite a bit, seems to have better colour. The tang seems to have slowed down his breathing a bit. When I fed them tonight his activity in the tank seemed to pick up a bit but he still did not eat. I don't know if he couldn't see the food with his eyes being clouded over or just didn't want to eat. Could this all be side effects of the hypo or possibly just caused by the ich (still not sure if the tang had ich or lymphocystis)?