For some reason, when I eat an egg burrito with a flour tortilla, I get nauseous. And I live in south texas, so that is a stable breakfast food. What are some foods that for whatever the reason turn your belly upsidedown. That everyone else likes?
I know this is very unamerican but I am not a big fan of pizza and if it comes from one Pizza Hut or Dominos i often get a bit sick to my stomach from it. If I have to eat it I prefer the thinner crust stuff.
Originally Posted by dedecv3 http:///forum/post/3162796
I know this is very unamerican but I am not a big fan of pizza and if it comes from one Pizza Hut or Dominos i often get a bit sick to my stomach from it. If I have to eat it I prefer the thinner crust stuff.
That's cause Pizza Hut and Dominos arent real pizza!
Originally Posted by stdreb27 http:///forum/post/3162900
I wouldn't worry too much about not liking dominos or pizzahut.
Whoa, is that 2 things we agree on in the same day?
I made a couple of batches of veggie stew (2 in total) a while ago and the most recent time I saw it in the fridge afterwards...congealed ... *barf* can't eat it!