Eggs doing great


For those who've been following along, here's my Christmas update,
Holy cow is he getting big!!! He is cramped in there, little tail is up his nose, pectoral fins are as wide as the egg, and yolk sac is blue berry sized, maybe he's shooting for a happy new year????
He's the size the first was back at thanksgiving, so maybe Valentine's Day???
A month that I've had them and I can't wait for them to hatch.
Jake, how's your premie??? Haven't heard from you in a while...
My new job managing my lfs is great, customers are noticing the change in our salt dept.
And, there won't be any unfortunate salespersons like sharky ran into. Good buy on that egg sharky!!! What's your bigger shark think of the egg?? Too bad the info wasn't as good as their price...

Our salt section is slowly improving, BABY STEPS...
But we're up to four 55's for sale fish, and soon to have our display tank starting. The ONE 55 they had was in BAD shape, but Nothing a little hard work hasn't fixed...
I'd like to get a few more tanks in the near future.
ANYWAY, Happy holidays, Y'all, from 70 degree sunshiney FLORIDA!!!! Just doesn't feel like Christmas without cold weather...

[This message has been edited by 4husky (edited 12-25-2000).]