eggs in the spotlight


Active Member
Wow... is all i can say. I finally was able to have one of the last developing days of the clownfish eggs fall on a school day, so early this morning at about 5:45. I harvested a couple of these eggs and put them into a container and begine the journey to school at 6:55 Well, on the way in i was checking up on them and when i first checked at about 7:15, one had hatched in the container. so i thoug wow figuring they would have been dead by that time, well no they keep going. So i arrive at school at 7:50 and they are still alive. so i go look for the bio-lab teacher and wouldnt find her. She comes in at 8:15 and the eggs are still alive. Well, we get them under a microscope, and let me say they were amazing. if only i had one of those microscope cameras. Well so i go to home room, come back at my lunch period, around 11:00ish, and they are still alive and a second had hatched. So i put up a new egg and along side it one of the ones which had hatched. Wow, how fast they develope. i had the one which had hatched earlier and i could see a total difference. the yolk was smaller, and much more pigmentation on the skin then the one in the egg. well any way i leave again and come back at around 1:30 and they are still alive. (well not the ones on the slide. i mean the ones in reserve in the small container. the ones on the slide only died because of the heat from the lightbulb.) So any way, i left the eggs in the school and they were alive at 2:00 so they must be pretty hardy to live in a little container with about 2 tablespoons of water from 6:00-2:00 (8HRS) with no heat source or anything and they were right by an open window with the temp being about 45 F outside.
Well any way thats about it, i could get into further detail but im going to sleep instead.