

:help: I am scrubing my live rock to get off this slimy algee, and noticed 2 white fuzzy or hairy little balls on my lr. They look like little cotton balls.. Should I get rid of them.ne1 know what they are?


In the first pic is the little cottony things (Coral??), and is this a coral growing in the second ; we found it on the bottom of the rock, should we turn it over so it can have light? and for the third we have neon green yellow spots is this how some corals start? It looks hard and looks like it has pores in it?? THANKS!!!

The first are sponges,the second is a skeleton of a dead encrusting coral.If you see some kind of polyps extend then its alive but it looks dead to me.The third,to blurry,can't tell.


the first look like snail eggs. Nasarius (sp)
I have these snails and we have white spots on rock and tank walls.
Do you have these type of snails?


I do have a lot of snails, but all the lfs says is they are turbo snails, but they all look diff to me, so im not sure if i have nasarius.


Active Member
why are you scrubbing youR LR? you should never have to. i wouldnt be concerned with the little white spots, the second is def. a dead encrusting coral.


Originally Posted by skienlzer
I do have a lot of snails, but all the lfs says is they are turbo snails, but they all look diff to me, so im not sure if i have nasarius.
It is possible that the eggs could be from another snail as well.
Do I have to show you my snail eggs? They look exactly like they do in your picture. Lol


We had to scrub our lr with a toothbrush because of the slime algae. It was overrunning our tank, cut back lights and feeding, weekly h20 changes and the specialists at our lfs said too. So hopefully it doesnt grow back. How many powerheads do you need in a 90 gallon tank and should they point up middle or down??


The third pic...does it look like this?? As far as powerheads, it depends on the size powerheads you have to deturmine how many you need... Most importantly, you do not want "dead spots" in your tank. So more, smaller, is better than less, larger. As far as where they point, you definately want the surface as agitated as possible, since that is how your tank gets oxygen. But anywhere you place them is fine, there is no "science" to it. The "whirlpool effect" is frowned upon. But mine are dead center on the sides facing the center of the front. Then there are a couple on the back also, all facing front.
YOur powerheads come with a rating. Called a GPH rating That's gallons per hour. Since you have a 90 gallon tank you'd want your GPH to be 20 times that. So totalling the GPH of all your powerheads, it should come to around 1800 GPH. You can however, include the GPH of your filter, protein skimmer and whatever else moves water in this calculation.


I have a system that is 1000 gph, an extra 50 g hang on side filter, and a power head thats 260 we are getting one more power head for the other side so i guess we will point them right at each other?? I've been reading the diff on LS verses CC, our lfs said to buy CC, now I'm finding out it is hard to keep clean and I wont be able to get my jawfish, so I'm changing out it soon to LS. The neon green yellow things are just little bumps right now, they look poris I thought maybe they would grow. I have more pictures, I've found more of those little cottony ball things. Do these pic help better??



The little balls are sponge. Q-tip sponges we call them. Smart move on the LS change out. CC is much more maintanance, I don't know why the LFS keep pushing that stuff... Not sure about the green things.


Google the images of Neomeris sp. See if that looks anything like your green things...


thanks on the sponges. :jumping: The green things kinda looked like the Neomeris picture if it would grow that long. Right now it's just little lumps on the rock. It looks hard and tiny holes all over.


Neomeris is a good nitrate indicator... They don't do so good if your trates are over 40. They will die and come back though. If that's what they are...


Originally Posted by reefkprZ
the greenish/yellow thing is also a sponge.
OMG, I kept seeing plant, but I think your right!! I have "yellow" sponge, but I didn't even thing about green/yellow...
Yup. It seems that reefkprZ nailed it.
Here's a pic of the yellow...