

I woke up this morning to find eggs in my 55 g FW tank. They are on one of the plants. I have 2 plecs, 2 snails, 2 cory catfish, 1 albino & 1 redruby oscar, and 1 Pacus. I know this is a SW MB, but I was just wondering if any of u knew which may have laid eggs, and if anything may come of them
What species of Plec are they?
Im guessing the snails at the moment.
Btw..those know they are injected with dye to make them look "pretty", right?
Oh, and you know that pacu can get 3-5ft depending on species, yes?


Active Member
I believe - of all those fish you listed the plecs might be the only fish that could do it. A lot of fresh water snails climb out of hte water to lay their eggs - but if hte arte around the base of hte plant they could also be unfertilized eggs from your pacu or one of your oscars. Whatever they are - once they hatch they will most likely pollute your tank 0r be eaten .... I'd go with being eaten since there are not a ton of eggs. Had a planted FW aquarium with Pacu and others and had a large clutch of eggs - which polluted the tank and killed all but the pleco's.
Good luck ....