Eheim Ecco Filter


New Member
My husband and I just acquired a 50 gallon saltwater aquarium that came with the house we just bought. We are complete novices, and have been doing a lot of reading on the subject.
Here is my latest question. We have an Enheim Ecco cannister filter. There is no instructions with the filter as to how to clean or maintain the device. I cannot find a lot of information online. What should we do when we clean it? How often does it need to be cleaned?
Thank you in advance for any help.
Stacy and Rick


New Member
We have two damsels (all blue, don't know what they are called) a false percula, and a cinnamon clownfish. They came with the tank. So far, we have been learning about the water cycle and we dont want to add a fish at this point. Plus, we are not sure what fish to add.


Well I take it the tank was up for some time since you do have fish in there so i would think the cycle has been complete. I would find a local Fish store and bring half a cup to it for them to test it and they also could point you to the correct food.
Hey at least you know what type of fish!
Good Luck!