Eheim vs Quiet One Pumps

I am curious which is a better pump, and which is quieter?
The Eheim 1262 Hobby Pump or the Quiet One 4000HH.
The Quiet One say is it 'less than 45 decibels', but how loud is that really?
I have an Eheim 1260 now and I am very happy with the noise level.
Also, I know the HH stands for High Head, but what really does that do? From what I see it pulls water in from the top and outputs it to the side. Most pumps pull in from the side and output the top (in-line set up).


Active Member
I don't really know which one is better, but I would assume the Eheim.
The HH refers to the pumps ability to push a higher GPH higher up. Like, there is increased pressure so that there is not as much head loss as you increase the height that it is being pumped. Does that make sense?


I have the quiet one 4000 and it is not loud at all. Mine has run just fine for over a year. It also sucks water in through the bottom and out the side.
I was curious because I can buy the filter or a filter kit that comes with the Quiet One HH pump. I was thinking I could in-line it to the Eheim if I did not get the kit, but the flow through the Eheim goes out the top, not across and I am thinking that would be an issue. (I would not use any of their hoses or over the top attachments)