electoral college


Active Member
OH SNAP! this is exactly what im doing a paper on/researching/learing in my Pres elec class
its really confusing, and if nobody else wants to explain it..I will later or I'll just copy/paste my paper


Active Member
no , really...our individual votes dont even count...how is this legal ? where did the government get the right to take away our voice?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
no , really...our individual votes dont even count...how is this legal ? where did the government get the right to take away our voice?

Jenny: According to the original constitution, you never had a voice. Only males who held private property were eligible to vote for the electors, who would then actually select the President.


Active Member
The premise behind the Electoral College was to provide equal representation of the people of this country when voting for the President. The feeling is if you left it to the Popular Vote, then the candidates would only campaign in the most populus states and cities. It would disenfranchise the rural communities, and not allow them to be represented in the vote. Not really sure why that would be the case. There's also the fear of voter fraud, and lawsuits if the vote is too close between the candidates. I think if the vote were less than a 1% difference, it calls for a total recount. Imagine having to recount every vote in all 50 states. Look how long that took in Florida in 2000. The president wouldn't be decided by January 20th, and you'd be swearing in the Speaker of The House (as of today, that would be Nancy Pelosi). I read that there have been four instances in history where the candidate with the Popular Vote didn't win the Electoral Votes, the last being Gore.
MSNBC just had an article on this today...


Active Member
can we not vote by fingerprint ? that would fill up the print data base and be acurate and so far as representation is concerned there is tv internet radio newspapers and magazines to get the word of the candidates out ...right? i just happen to think its wrong to put it to a vote...(which last time i heard was the person with more votes is the winner), and our votes dont even count


Active Member
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
can we not vote by fingerprint ? that would fill up the print data base and be acurate and so far as representation is concerned there is tv internet radio newspapers and magazines to get the word of the candidates out ...right? i just happen to think its wrong to put it to a vote...(which last time i heard was the person with more votes is the winner), and our votes dont even count
IMO the original design was to spread the influence to the smaller states. I'm a fan of it. If you accept the premise that we are a republic instead of a democracy it makes sense.
btw can you imagine the uproar of requiring fingerprints to vote... I can hear it now.


Active Member
I could be wrong, but didn't Gore win the popular vote in 2000? And yet we still have an idiot running our country....


Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
I could be wrong, but didn't Gore win the popular vote in 2000? And yet we still have an idiot running our country....
lol can you imagine, the guy who claimed that he world would end in ten years because of global warming, running the country?


Active Member
Wait you're forgetting his Tobacco-lord past! Masking one bringer of death by proclaiming another! "I invented the internet!"


Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
I could be wrong, but didn't Gore win the popular vote in 2000? And yet we still have an idiot running our country....
I believe you are wrong Gore did not win the popular vote he won the media vote the vote that was not official. When the real vote came in he had lost and the media did not like it. This is when the media started claming Gore had won the popular vote and Gore sued trying to over turn the law. At this time there where other states that had been won by Bush but the count had not been finished when it was done Gore did not win the popular vote.


Active Member
In most states the law is that you do not have to count all the ballots. You only need to keep counting the ballots if the remaining number of ballots is large enough to change the outcome of the election. So after the election they are still counting the popular vote and does the media report the real popular vote weeks later not if it does not like the result.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
why does this even exist??

If I may ask:
Did you take American History in high school?
I don't mean to sound crude, but the framers of the Constitution were worried that the new gov't would become too powerful. They had just fought a war to rid themselves of a powerful high tax gov't. They also wrote in many layers of checks and balances. One of these is the electoral college. If you remember US Senators were originally chosen by the States to represent them and not by popular vote. That was another check and balance that we screwed up.
Now fast forward 230 some years, we have a huge powerful federal gov't. Exactly the opposite of what the founders intended.
When you vote, you need to understand what principles this country was founded on. If you don't like the Constitution, try to ammend it, or go somewhere you would like to live. There was a good reason you had to own land to vote. You were the one paying the tax. Now almost half pay NO tax, yet they can vote to raise my taxes to "spread the wealth". What happens when the non tax payer reach 51%?
I'd argue almost every Ammendment we've made in the last 150 years has been a step backwards.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
If I may ask:
Did you take American History in high school?
I don't mean to sound crude, but the framers of the Constitution were worried that the new gov't would become too powerful. They had just fought a war to rid themselves of a powerful high tax gov't. They also wrote in many layers of checks and balances. One of these is the electoral college. If you remember US Senators were originally chosen by the States to represent them and not by popular vote. That was another check and balance that we screwed up.
Now fast forward 230 some years, we have a huge powerful federal gov't. Exactly the opposite of what the founders intended.
When you vote, you need to understand what principles this country was founded on. If you don't like the Constitution, try to ammend it, or go somewhere you would like to live. There was a good reason you had to own land to vote. You were the one paying the tax. Now almost half pay NO tax, yet they can vote to raise my taxes to "spread the wealth". What happens when the non tax payer reach 51%?
I'd argue almost every Ammendment we've made in the last 150 years has been a step backwards.

AHAHAHAHA... like what? 13th amendment, 14th amendment, 15th amendment, all the way to the twenty-fourth?


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
If I may ask:
Did you take American History in high school?
I don't mean to sound crude, but the framers of the Constitution were worried that the new gov't would become too powerful. They had just fought a war to rid themselves of a powerful high tax gov't. They also wrote in many layers of checks and balances. One of these is the electoral college. If you remember US Senators were originally chosen by the States to represent them and not by popular vote. That was another check and balance that we screwed up.
Now fast forward 230 some years, we have a huge powerful federal gov't. Exactly the opposite of what the founders intended.
When you vote, you need to understand what principles this country was founded on. If you don't like the Constitution, try to ammend it, or go somewhere you would like to live. There was a good reason you had to own land to vote. You were the one paying the tax. Now almost half pay NO tax, yet they can vote to raise my taxes to "spread the wealth". What happens when the non tax payer reach 51%?
I'd argue almost every Ammendment we've made in the last 150 years has been a step backwards.

Here, I'll play journey - Show me the statistics where half the people in this country don't pay ANY taxes. How about Sales Tax, Property Tax, or State Income Tax?
So you think this country is better off not allowing women to vote? Great, take Sarah Palin off the Republican ticket.
"If you don't like the Constitution, try to ammend it, or go somewhere you would like to live." You have to be joking here right? Since you want to live in the Dark Ages, I'll be coming over to your house and take away your plumbing, electricity, and every other modern convenience you own...


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Here, I'll play journey - Show me the statistics where half the people in this country don't pay ANY taxes. How about Sales Tax, Property Tax, or State Income Tax?
So you think this country is better off not allowing women to vote? Great, take Sarah Palin off the Republican ticket.
"If you don't like the Constitution, try to ammend it, or go somewhere you would like to live." You have to be joking here right? Since you want to live in the Dark Ages, I'll be coming over to your house and take away your plumbing, electricity, and every other modern convenience you own...
Why is it the "dark ages" to believe in the Constitution? No you advocate B+E and stealing to make your point.
Ok, so it's 41% now for federal income tax, but my point is still, what will happen when that number reaches 51%? Will the consumers be even more bold?


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
Why is it the "dark ages" to believe in the Constitution? No you advocate B+E and stealing to make your point.
Ok, so it's 41% now for federal income tax, but my point is still, what will happen when that number reaches 51%? Will the consumers be even more bold?
Now that I read it again, your previous comment makes no sense. You say you believe in the Constitution, but in the next breath you say that every amendment made in the last 150 years is a step backwards. Which means:
You believe it was wrong to abolish slavery, and grant the slaves the same rights as other American citizens
You think it was stupid to create the Income Tax and Electoral College (I'll give you these two)
You didn't want to repeal the 18th Amendment (Prohibition - hope you don't drink beer while watching football on Sundays)
Don't want women to vote (already stated that one)
Don't want Washington D.C. to have any electoral vote (another one I'll give you)
Don't want blacks to vote.
Don't care who succeeds the President if he/she is unable to hold office (If McCain gets in, I'll go for this one. We could bypass Sarah and go straight to Nancy!)
Think people under the age of 18 should vote (another one I'll give ya)
So all in all, I would tend to agree with you. However, I think the beer drinkers, women, an African American members of this forum may disagree with you a little.