Originally Posted by
If I may ask:
Did you take American History in high school?
I don't mean to sound crude, but the framers of the Constitution were worried that the new gov't would become too powerful. They had just fought a war to rid themselves of a powerful high tax gov't. They also wrote in many layers of checks and balances. One of these is the electoral college. If you remember US Senators were originally chosen by the States to represent them and not by popular vote. That was another check and balance that we screwed up.
Now fast forward 230 some years, we have a huge powerful federal gov't. Exactly the opposite of what the founders intended.
When you vote, you need to understand what principles this country was founded on. If you don't like the Constitution, try to ammend it, or go somewhere you would like to live. There was a good reason you had to own land to vote. You were the one paying the tax. Now almost half pay NO tax, yet they can vote to raise my taxes to "spread the wealth". What happens when the non tax payer reach 51%?
I'd argue almost every Ammendment we've made in the last 150 years has been a step backwards.
Here, I'll play journey - Show me the statistics where half the people in this country don't pay ANY taxes. How about Sales Tax, Property Tax, or State Income Tax?
So you think this country is better off not allowing women to vote? Great, take Sarah Palin off the Republican ticket.
"If you don't like the Constitution, try to ammend it, or go somewhere you would like to live." You have to be joking here right? Since you want to live in the Dark Ages, I'll be coming over to your house and take away your plumbing, electricity, and every other modern convenience you own...