Electric bill ?


I was just curious how much more your typical power bill might be if you had metal halide fixtures as opposed to NO lighting or even pc/vho lighting. It just seems that those lights are so powerful that I could go outside and watch my power meter spin like a top.


Active Member
It's the watts, not the lights. I run 440 watts of VHO with an Icecap ballast for 10 hours a day. That is 4.4 kilowatt hours a day at 0.065 cents per kwhr in my town or about 29 cents a day. That is a little over $8.00 a month. It's actually less as icecap claims that it runs 440 watts of lights using only 330 watts of electricity.
You can estimate the same for your pumps and powerheads also if you know the watts of each one. There is also an online calculator somewhere that you can plug all this in and it will tell you your estimated monthly bill.