Electric scallop... right place?


I was wondering if anyone has experience with the electric scallops? I'm also not sure if this is the correct discussion group to ask but if anyone has some info, that'd be great. It's for future consideration, I have a 55g just finished it's cycle but i'm going to wait another month or so until i decide what i want and what can live with what etc etc. thanks.


I had one a while ago and I just placed it in the bottom of the tank on the sand bed. It did just fine there.


Active Member
Melody is absolutely correct. In general, these guys have a very poor survival record, and can take many months to starve to death. I really do not recommend getting one. Sorry, but thanks for asking first!
And, WELCOME to the board!


I had a few scallops -
They will die right after your cycle (starvation)
My current white flame scallop is doing great - alive over 6 months. Why? Mature tank with arthropods for food! Just like a manderin.
I bunch flames and electric flames together (same thing) but the electric flame is great to look at since it has a frankenstein labratory type blue electric jolt across his mouth in the light!


I had a few scallops -
They will die right after your cycle (starvation)
My current white flame scallop is doing great - alive over 6 months. Why? Mature tank with arthropods for food! Just like a manderin.
I bunch flames and electric flames together (same thing) but the electric flame is great to look at since it has a frankenstein labratory type blue electric jolt across his mouth in the light!


the longest life of an electric scallop that I could keep alive was about 2 months then it died slowly. The tentacles will tell you if it's doing well or not

melissa v.

well i am here to tell you that blondes definatly do have more fun, jackie i think you look fantastic, i can see how guy's could be attracted to that look.
welcome to the board space monkey.;)
Melissa v.