Electric Scallop...


New Member
Hey everyone. I was wondering if any of you know much about Electric Scallops. I have been trying to search for info on them, but the results are few. I think they are absolutely beautiful, but I don't know enough about them. Do they require special lighting? Are they dangerous etc.? I would love to have one someday, but I don't want to put anything in my future tank in danger.


Active Member
If I am not mistaken, these are very similar to flame scallops, which means they need a lot of filter feeder food and will not tend to live all that long.


Active Member
Sure. Cool enough for a bivalve mollusk, if you are in to that sort of thing.
Not as cool as a brittlestar though.


Active Member
Besides, scallops have all of those eyes that stare out at you.
Its enough just to be watched by the government.


New Member
That's a shame. They are VERY cool looking! I love the stars too Ophiura!! I want all of those things in my tank when it is said and done.
I read somewhere that the Electric Scallops send out something that either IS or RESEMBLES an electric current. Any truth to this? There was a picture with the caption, but I couldn't really tell what they were referring to.
These things have really peaked my interest!


Active Member
I don't know if they send out a current, but it sure looks like they are electrified. I was at the LFS, and watched the things mantle light up - kind of pulsed.


New Member
That must be what they were trying to explain... my LFS doesn't have one, but I wish they would get one. I would love to see one in person. They must be amazing to watch!
Thanks for the info Buzz.