electrical mistake ......almost a 'yikes'


The really smart electrical company turned off our power today due to non payment. BUT....we had payed, our neighbor had not.....they turned off at the wrong house. They apparently realized it later and came back and turned it on, but left the disconnect notice on the door, and all the stuff like cd player and clocks and...scary....carbon monixide detector were going nutso, so we knew it had a been off. So.......I freak and check the tanks........didn't see any fish in either tank. Hiding to keep warm I guess, temp was down to 69. Wooooo....they are getting one really hostile phone call from me in the morning....geez. Just had to share the best part of my stupid day. lol


Active Member
Loopy...I di not get the skimmer packed this weekend. Sorry, but loggng long hours at work this time of year....plus I waited till Sunday...thought I had a box big enough but ..wrong!
Send my your address again idiot@c2i2.com:rolleyes:


I'm glad I don't work the customer service desk at your electric company!!! Let us know what they say tomorrow.


I'm glad I don't work their too, I wouldn't wanna be the person at taking it from me..........almost killin my fish...PLUS, my daughter came home and the carbon monoxide detector was going off like crazy....just a month shy of my cm poisoning experiece.....holy cow...she called me at work going nuts...BUT, the funny thing is...my boss was on his way out to my house to get measurements for a part for our furnace, so he was just seconds away and I called him on his cell, so we had immediate confirmation it was not another poisoning experience. As for my fish.......I woulda used the old 'my brother the laywer will be callin ya', works every time...btw, he's not a lawyer, he's a shrink....lol!!! Not really the a thread for this site, but I had to share. My fish are all okay though. Whoooooo.