Active Member
Ok i'm no electrician so this may be a dumb question but..... with my new 120gal system I literally have 12"things" that need to be plugged in for my tank. Now that in addition to the other outlets in the room my tanks in puts a heavy load on the circuit. My tank is in a bedroom/office with my computer also on the same circuit. Now I have done everything correctly and installed a GFIC outlet but it is on the main circuit in the room that feeds all the other outlets. So what happens is it trips the GFIC pretty often. Am I missing something here or is it a fact that unless I get power for some of the "Stuff" from another room this will continue to occur? Any reccomendations? It is in a brand new house, we moved in 4 months ago but each bedroom has its own breaker in the breaker box so all outlets in the room my tank is in are on one circuit. The power comes into one outlet and then the rest feed off of it in parrell. Do I need to install a separate circuit just for my tank so it wont overload and trip the GFIC? Or maybe get a higher amp rated GFIC? Any suggestions greatly appriciated!
