Electricity Usage


I'm thinking about starting up a 75 gallon tank and was wondering if my electric bill will go through the roof. I would get a sump, skimmer etc...
Reading lots but nothing talks of power draw or anything like that.
Maybe I should get an Aquapod or BioCube 14 or 29 gallon instead.
I'm in Queens NY - Con Edison. Key word here is Con like in convict
Help !!


prolly will go up if u stick on ur daily rutines, especially cus u live in nyc. i live close to ny too. but if i was u, i would get the system and cut down some other stuff to make it even out. such as turn the lights off wen u leave the room, etc. do that and u should be fine.


Active Member
It will go up, but by how much depends on how elaborate your equipment setup is.
I have three tanks at my house and I estimate I pay about $60 per month to run them all, but my reef certainly takes the taco for power usage. Reefs use bigger pumps, more powerful lights, heaters, chillers, etc.
If you are running an FO, you will probably notice a few more bucks a month but nothing serious. Expect a noticable increase for a reef system, but not too bad... maybe 20-30 per month max.