electronic monitors?



i know of digital temperature displays. how about one for ph or trates trites or other fownlr important readings?


I have seen a the Ph monitors and would really like one as for the rest I havent seen them but dont mean they dont have them..


Active Member
Electronic instruments for saltwater hobby are wonderful, providing you understand a couple few things.
First - they are not cheap ( although that's relative ) They cost a fair amount of money upfront, but those that use them swear by them.
Second - just as using a test kit - electronic test equipment is only as accurate ( or inaccurate ) as the person using and maintaining them. They need to be calibrated from time to time using a known liquid standard ( buffers for pH ) and other solutions for other types of meters/probes.
Many probes such as pH, after a period of time, become unreliable, lose their internal electrolyte, and will need to be replaced.
It's a fact.
Third - you must MAINTAIN them - keep them calibrated - or they can become more dangerous to use. Just because it's a "digital" device, does not insure that is truely ACCURATE !
False digital information is by far worse than accurate reliable test kit.
In my job, I have access to many industrial test instruments and have used pH, conductivity, temperature, DO and they all work great. I'm hoping to put together a panal of instruments to continuously monitor my tank - but right now I'm far from completing it.
If you like electronic gadgets - and can afford them - and commit to keeping them calibrated and up to date - by all means I think they are a nice extra to have. Not neccessary to have a successful tank - just very convenient.
If not - there's nothing wrong with using standard test kits and a thermometer - most of us do ;)


sounds like many options. digital is more convienient since im handicapped and i cant perform the manuals as often as id like .an occasional calibrate is more fitting.
any name brands or a multi instrument name would be helpful . i know in a fownlr and dsb ph and ammonia trates trites think thats bout it. salinity i can handle it never changes n temp is stable(so far )thanks


Active Member
<a href="http://www.topac.com/ph.html" target="_blank">http://www.topac.com/ph.html</a>
<a href="http://www.aquariuminstruments.com/instruments.htm" target="_blank">http://www.aquariuminstruments.com/instruments.htm</a>
These links may get you started :D
see ya


if these patriots win i geet 200$ for my monitor!woooo


broomer you say you have this?what is ion measurement.mv? does this stay in water and give 24hr readings or put in take out deal?


boy i've been reading these links over n over and cant make a decision on whats best for me.ashamed to say but its almost ver my head. its complicating. i guess when u get it u figure it out quick. but which one?