Electronic instruments for saltwater hobby are wonderful, providing you understand a couple few things.
First - they are not cheap ( although that's relative ) They cost a fair amount of money upfront, but those that use them swear by them.
Second - just as using a test kit - electronic test equipment is only as accurate ( or inaccurate ) as the person using and maintaining them. They need to be calibrated from time to time using a known liquid standard ( buffers for pH ) and other solutions for other types of meters/probes.
Many probes such as pH, after a period of time, become unreliable, lose their internal electrolyte, and will need to be replaced.
It's a fact.
Third - you must MAINTAIN them - keep them calibrated - or they can become more dangerous to use. Just because it's a "digital" device, does not insure that is truely ACCURATE !
False digital information is by far worse than accurate reliable test kit.
In my job, I have access to many industrial test instruments and have used pH, conductivity, temperature, DO and they all work great. I'm hoping to put together a panal of instruments to continuously monitor my tank - but right now I'm far from completing it.
If you like electronic gadgets - and can afford them - and commit to keeping them calibrated and up to date - by all means I think they are a nice extra to have. Not neccessary to have a successful tank - just very convenient.
If not - there's nothing wrong with using standard test kits and a thermometer - most of us do