Elegance Coral to control Glass Anemones???

fish lady

Hi, I have a question! I was told by someone that you could take a Elegance Coral and place it close to the glass enemones and because the elgance has such a strong sting it will kill them. Do you think this will work? I was told it does not work over night but helps alot. If you think it would work would it cause to much stress to the elegance?


Active Member
It doesnt sound like a very good Idea to me. elegance are hard enough to keep as is with out constantly moving them and subjecting them to stings from a pest anemone. in theory it may work, but over all I wouldnt suggest it.


Active Member
This is one of the most outrageous things I have ever heard.
simple as that.

Just plain crazy advice.
The theory would work with ANYTHING that would sting in return, but this is just silly. Sorry, but just silly.
Whomever is telling you this - wouldn't surprise me if they are selling things.


A Google search using the phrase “Elegance Coral Aiptasia control” shows it’s not as unknown as it seems. Some sites point to another bio control a Nudibranch known as Berghia verrucicornis they exclusively eat glass anemones so you’ll need to pass them on after your problem is gone or they will starve to death.


Active Member
I don't doubt it has been put forward. People come up with really strange ideas.
But the argument, IMO, would hold for anything that "stings" be it an elegance coral, another anemone, etc. They would all wage war against one another but in the end it is a pretty silly method of control, IMO at least, with no guarantee whatsoever of success.
You have a coral that has, in and of itself a pretty bad survival record these days (elegance) being used to control something that can over run a system...it would be the absolute last thing I would try, personally.
An active predator, like the nudibranch, peppermint shrimp, copperband butterfly or simple manual removal is a much more consistent and reliable way to do this. Actually the most reliable is manual removal most likely...the others do pose some issues themselves.