elegance coral


how much lighting and flow do the elegance corals need i have about 5 watts per gallon pc's are they difficult to keep?


Active Member
Very difficult as in almost all die. I wouldn't buy one unless it's coming out of someone else's tank and has been doing well for years.


I have heard that they are very suceptable to infections and do not do well. I have also heard that the ones they are taking from Australia have a much better survival rate. I am facing the same dilema. They are beautiful. Anyone have sucess with Austrailian Elegence corals let us know. Thanks
sorry to pop your bubble mine died after 3 month they just don't hold up very well ..... i was mad because it was 70 bucks down the drain!!!!


Active Member
I snagged a one for $20 that came in a shipment of frags... had it for about 4 months now and it seems to be growing, but I'm keeping it under halides. I'm not sure I'd try under PCs.


i found the elegance to be one of the eaiser lps corals, i was shocked when you said they have a bad reputation!
ive had mine foer a while now and it thrives.
i have him gettign indirect light from a 250w 14k bulb, and med to low flow!
same as my bubble!
mine was from an aussi order if im rember corrcetly.
my elegance coral is doing fine.. its under 192watt pc. i had it for 5 weeks now. my brother inlaw gave it to for nada!!
he paid 39.99 for it..


Active Member
Good luck but 5 weeks is not a very long time.. Read , Google, Eric Bornemans work on this coral.


Well I saw one today at my lfs and I decided to buy it. It was only 32.95 and the shop had it for about 4-5 weeks. The coral looked good, but had not fully opened up, but for the price I'd figure I'd try it. I put it in the bottom of my 75 with 4x110 VHO's and in 1 hour it was totally opened up and looking great. I know I know it's still early, but I figure it's a good sign. Has not opened up fully in 4 weeks then in 1 hour it opens up all the way in my tank. I also put it right where my return line is bouncing off the glass so it is getting good indirect current. I really hope it holds up well. I will beging feeding it in a few days and I will keep you all posted. Here's a pic it has nice purple tips.


Originally Posted by mscarpena
Well I saw one today at my lfs and I decided to buy it. It was only 32.95 and the shop had it for about 4-5 weeks. The coral looked good, but had not fully opened up, but for the price I'd figure I'd try it. I put it in the bottom of my 75 with 4x110 VHO's and in 1 hour it was totally opened up and looking great. I know I know it's still early, but I figure it's a good sign. Has not opened up fully in 4 weeks then in 1 hour it opens up all the way in my tank. I also put it right where my return line is bouncing off the glass so it is getting good indirect current. I really hope it holds up well. I will beging feeding it in a few days and I will keep you all posted. Here's a pic it has nice purple tips.
i had one that looked just like ur picture but about 4 times the size. it was priced at $75... had it for 3 months and it died. Only coral that has died in my tank


Mine still looks good and eating great. What happened to yours?? Also sorry to hear it died, they are beautiful.


I'm still pretty clueless
nothings ever died but that
the only thing i can blame is maybe my nitrates that were at around 15-20 for about a week till i did a large water change but it was too late. My cleaner shrimp took interest to it.. i don't know if he could of caused it any harm but he would like poke it and cause it to retract a lot or maybe it needed extremely strong lighting or not fast enough current i have noo idea.


Active Member
My LFS has 2 different specimen that look pretty good to me. Know of any links to threads or other sites that show pics of things to watch out for??? I've looked at the Eric Borneman elegance corals project, but it didn't have these types of pics. Anyone??? thanks!