Elegant coral question


I have a new Elegant coral, place in the tank three days ago, was looking very nice until this afternoon when I noticed some seperation from the base along one end. The rest of teh coral looks very nice, but that back end is recessed into the shell of the coral a bit. Is there anything I should be doing to help this? My water quality is very good (nitrates <5ppm) PH, and Calcium are also fine, temp is steady at 79 degrees, and plenty of lighting. Thanks again!


New Member
I'm certainly not an expert, but alot I have been readiung lately says the Elegance is extremely difficult to keep. It needs many specialized conditions.
I believe the Waikiki Aquarium has a display with Elegance, and they have them getting indirect lighting, surrounded by grasses or somthing. You might try searching on the Waikiki (sp?) Aquarium and see if they say anything about it.
I hope this helps.


what size tank you have??? kind of lights??? how long do you leave them on?? do you use additives???? calcium,iodine,stro,ect....


55 gal, using vho's, 3 whites, three blues. THe blues run for 14 hours, the whites for 11. Using a corraline growth additive. And the Elegant looks much better now. Weird how it filled back out that fast. It appeared to be coming loose from it's shell.