elephant ear leather coral


Fairly new to the hobby. I purchased what I was told a leather-elephant ear coral. Not sure if that is the correct name. I purchased it several months ago and has been doing very well. Then I decided to move some rock around to get better circulation and in the doing so, the coral got damaged by falling rocks. Since then, it keeps slipping from the rocks to the sandy bottom. I put it back on the rocks and it slips again. Is it better to let it sit on the sandy bottom, or keep moving it back to the rocks? Any suggestions to making it happy?


Active Member
the leather doesnt care if its on sand or rock as long as it is attached to a big enough chunk of rock to keep it from falling over.


I have identified it through some more research. It looks like it is a elephant ear mushroom coral, color brown. It does not seem to attach to a rock. It had a tiny rock attached to it, but it lost it during the move. I keep trying to get it to settle on a rock - even on a flat one on the bottom of the tank. It just melts (?) off. It just seems to become limp and slide off to the sand. Thanks for your replies. Any other suggestions?