Emerald Crab Ballet


Active Member
Those are great pics. I want to get three for my tank, or should I get more (125 gallon). What do they eat?


Active Member

thats great!!!
emeralds eat junk off your tank, and are known to eat bubble algae(not guaranteed)


Active Member
ah, i remember those days, my crab did that too. he even would attempt to do lotr reenactions on "his lr" he was a thief he stole from my sfes all the time.


I've had him for about a week and he's stayed pretty inconspicuous, must have been practicing up for the big show last night. The little guy did all that with a missing leg too, didn't notice it before because he had been a bit shy.


Active Member
that was to cute,
,,thanks for sharing,, i have had my emerald crab since july, and he is no were near that size, have a great day.