Emerald crab help!!


Im really not sure whats goin on.. i have three emerald crabs. two of them are perfectly fine. One of the is acting funny. He keeps turning himself onto his back. he will stand on his back two legs and then it will just fall backward. i keep turning him rightside up but he doesnt stay rightside up for long. When i turn him rightside up he seems to be dancing. always in the same spot and then that is when he turns himself over.. does anyone know what is wrong? is this normal?!


Maybe he is trying out for "Dancing With The Crabs"

My guess he is trying to molt...not sure tho....I have had emerals for quite a while but haven't ever seen them to that.


Just a thought... my EC stands tall and extends his arms out every time I walk by... I kinda torment him by hiding then moving toward him, just to see him do it. Anyway, at times I've seen him extend so far he toppled over. Maybe we have ungraceful EC's?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kynekke
Just a thought... my EC stands tall and extends his arms out every time I walk by... I kinda torment him by hiding then moving toward him, just to see him do it. Anyway, at times I've seen him extend so far he toppled over. Maybe we have ungraceful EC's?
Is he reaching out for a hug or trying to scare you off?

florida joe

Well-Known Member
I have never seen mine do that but I also make sure I don’t have a look on my face that says I want sauce tonight