Emerald crab on his last leg???


i got him about a week or so ago and he was kinda white and green, i read a few posts saying that he is prob going to molt soon. well today i saw him and he really hasnt moved from the same spot, but i knew it was him because he would move a little bit. is he about to bite it or is he about to molt?


when they molt they will just chill out for a day or so, usually hide. during molting they have no protection since their new shell is soft and useless.


he really isnt hiding i can see him plain as day behind a piece of lr...hopefully he is molting....do they act sluggish during this phaase? he seemed to be a bit more active until today


Originally Posted by gmwilk
i got him about a week or so ago and he was kinda white and green, i read a few posts saying that he is prob going to molt soon. well today i saw him and he really hasnt moved from the same spot, but i knew it was him because he would move a little bit. is he about to bite it or is he about to molt?
Has he been moving about at all? What is your SG? Is he in the open? They hide when they are about to, and more so after, they molt to allow the new shell to harden. What are your other water readings? How did you acclimate him?


i did the drip method, all my parameters are good, except my nitrates are little high, 1.024 sg. he was like staying in the same place kinda moving his legs a little and saw his mouth moving a bit but not walking around or anything. he is in the same since like 4 pm.


and he has been moving about the tank at night and in the morning when i wake up until today


Originally Posted by gmwilk
i did the drip method, all my parameters are good, except my nitrates are little high, 1.024 sg. he was like staying in the same place kinda moving his legs a little and saw his mouth moving a bit but not walking around or anything. he is in the same since like 4 pm.
1.024 is low for inverts. The SG should be 1.025-1.026. What are you using to measure SG? What are your readings for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph, and temp? How long did you drip acclimate him?


i awoke to a dead crab. my cuc got him. i know its him and not a molt because the body is split in two. i am using a the swing arm, i know they are not that accurate. fyi its a bio cube 29 and i just added a clown gobie on monday and the oceanic protein skimmer. could this affect the crab? i dripped the goby for an hour also and he is fine. but inverts are more sensitive right. im going to do tests now and posts them. the temp is 80. he was dripped for about an hour.


Active Member
are you sure you aren't looking at the molt? it looks exactly like a crab...legs, claws,....


SG 1.024 (i will slowly raise this to 1.025-.026) ph 8.2-8.3 (shade inbetween the 8.2 and 8.4) nitrate is 0 , nitrite is 0, ammonia is 0, i do not have a copper test and know its bad for inverts. i am using tap water...i know bad bad, if it was copper would copper kill a crab in about a week or right away? my hermits are fine unless they are more tolerant. the crab was picking some hair algea strands so he was eating so i assume. he was mostly white when i got him from the lfs with some green was this bad from the get go??? thanks


Active Member
Originally Posted by gmwilk
would the crab underneath be split in two? it was clean inside where it was split.
i bet it's still alive and in your rockwork. you are looking at the molt.