Emerald Crab Question


Would a spotted hawkfish attack or eat an emerald crab. My hawk has already eaten my reef hermits and i need something more durable for algae consuption. ANy other inverts that wont be bothered by a hawk?


Not to my knowledge. Your best bet IMO, is trade the spotted hawkfish for a long nose hawk. I heard from several sources theya re the only hawks that won't destoy all inverts. JMO
good luck
by the way, look at my inhabitants list, no problems yet.


Active Member
I have an astrea and a trochus snail in my hawk tank. The hawk never bothers them and they work on the agea. Especially the trochus; a eating machine:D


not true. the smaller shrimp are the only ones to worry about. Mid size shrimp are fine. All the other hawks will destroy any size invert. Longnose is the only one I have seen in many established tanks. Proof in da pudding.