Emerald Crab Spawning


New Member
i had 2 emerald crabs in my tank and about 1 - 2 months ago i found one of my crabs laying on its back with its bottom flap opened up. being new to the hobby i assumed the crab was molting so i left it for another day then eventually removing the crab because it was dead. today i went to feed my fish and while i was watching them eat i noticed 2 crabs i've never seen in my tank before running around on my rock, i tried to get a good look at them but i couldn't i scared them and they ran off in to a rock hole or underneath the rock. i've done some reading on this and have found out the female emerald will carry its eggs inside of h er until they're ready to hatch and open her bottom flap and release the larvae or wutever you wanna call them, anyway my question is does the female die after releasing its offspring, thats the only thing i haven't got an answer too. cuzz i have been quite curious on what caused my crabs death my other crab i had in there with it is fine and there was nothing wrong with my water at the time any help on this subject would be awesome!!
